22 July 2010

Ireland - Day 10

Sheep. Did I mention that there are A LOT of sheep in Ireland. Sheep and rocks and Guinness.

Pretty much the whole east side of the island of Ireland has much better land than the west, prime source of all the attempts to conquer and hold the land since the Vikings got started in the 8th or 9th century. The sheep are everywhere but you don't really see grain crops and large amounts of cattle until you get to the east, from north to south. On our way heading southwest out of Dublin we stopped in at a sheep farm. It's also a bed & breakfast. We were served very good fresh scones & jam and then got to watch three lovely sheepdogs at work. They managed to make it possible for me to pet 3 dogs at once by insisting. Twist my rubber arm. Sorry Roni, I'll be home soon!

This was also the day to visit Blarney Castle and "the Stone". I'll leave it up to you to decide whether it was necessary that I perform the traditional ritual, and no, I didn't pay 10 euros for the photo to prove it.

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