25 April 2011

Moving out...

Dear friends, I'm switching platforms (is that the right term?) and moving this blog to Wordpress. This move is primarily driven by technology. I would like to update the blog more often and it has become easier to do that, and other things, if I move to Wordpress as it works with the other social media I am using. Please join me over at:

27 January 2011

What is prayer?

What does it mean to pray? In a very basic way, because I think I'm a pretty basic person, I think it's just remembering the Creator in the conversation that is my life. I do believe that we are not lone entities existing in a pinball game. I believe all that exists is connected, and connected in that common Creator-energy. I do also 'believe' in science and the capacity of humanity to make bad choices, to be greedy and cruel.

So I'm thinking about prayer this morning because I read Dorothy Day writing about continuing to pray for the end of war (in this case World War II). I have to say that I probably think about prayer more than I consciously pray. Which is why my understanding of prayer as stated above has developed. In my life, prayer is action. If my awareness of and conversation with the Creator is not manifested in action that tries to make the world a place where it's easier to be good (as Peter Maurin would say), then it's empty dreaming and fantasy.

12 December 2010

Local poetry - "a gift for everyone"

This is a poem that is published in the current issue of our street paper Megaphone.


Relaxing every muscle,
Relaxing every hair,
She floats
       on the ethereal air.
Forgetting every "here",
And not regarding any "there",
She feels she's everywhere.
Ignoring every "now",
And not remembering any "then",
She whirls around again.
She wonders,
But she has few cares
The Love about her everywhere.

By James Witwicki

05 September 2010

duh, or should it be doh

I have happily discovered that Blogger has finally made a way to deal with spam comments. In the course of getting rid of the spam, I discovered some nice and interesting comments from blog posts waaay back that I never saw. I have no excuse, I wasn't checking (or posting) much back then. Thanks LK and Kevin Low from Malaysia for your words and thoughts.